How I Became a Millionaire in My Mindset

4 min readOct 31, 2023


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Not Yet Achieved, But a Step Closer…

Becoming a millionaire is a dream for many people. But what does it really mean to be a millionaire? For some people, it means having a lot of money to spend on fancy things. But for me, being a millionaire means being able to travel the world and be free.

I don’t want to be tied down to a job that I don’t enjoy. I want to be able to wake up in the morning and decide where I want to go that day. I want to travel the world, be able to experience different cultures, and meet new people.

That’s why I’m on a journey to become a millionaire in my mindset. I’m not yet financially independent, but I’m taking steps every day to achieve my goal. I’m focusing on building passive income streams so that I don’t have to rely on a traditional job. I’m also investing in myself so that I can develop the skills and knowledge I need to achieve my dreams.

6 Mindset Shifts and Actions That Helped Me Achieve My Goal

1. I Believed That I Could Do It, Even If I Didn’t Have It All Figured Out

The first step is to believe that you can achieve your goal, even if you don’t have all the answers. This means having a positive mindset and believing in yourself. It also means being willing to learn and grow.

2. I Created Multiple Pinterest Accounts and a YouTube Channel

I realized that Pinterest and YouTube are great platforms for driving traffic and promoting my affiliate links.

My travel YouTube channel focuses on locations all over the world, so I registered on Travelpayouts to promote flights, stays, attractions, and much more. It’s the best fit for any travel YouTuber/blogger.

Funny story.

I accidentally made a viral Pinterest account, but it wasn’t without some effort. I followed a few YouTube channels that focus on Pinterest and affiliate marketing and learned how to create high-quality pins, use relevant keywords, and be consistent with pinning new content.

After a while, I started to receive commission money, and realized that one of my Pinterest accounts had gone viral! I had over a million monthly views and a solid visitor base.

Insane! :)

3. I Focused on Taking Action, Even If It Was Just One Small Step at a Time

Once I believed that I could achieve my goal, I needed to start taking action. This meant taking small steps towards my goal every day. Even if it was just one small step, it was still progress.

So for example, I promote my YT channel on social media, I create at least 1 to 5 pins on Pinterest or I start working on another video.

4. I Never Gave Up, Even When Things Got Tough

There will be setbacks along the way. There will be times when you feel like giving up. But it’s important to persevere. Remember your goal and keep working towards it.

5. I Surrounded Myself With Positive People

The people you surround yourself with can have a big impact on your mindset. Make sure that you’re spending time with people who believe in you and who support your goals.

6. I Am Patient and Know That It Takes Time to Achieve My Goals

I understand that becoming a millionaire takes time and effort. I’m not expecting to become a millionaire overnight. But I’m committed to taking action every day and working towards my goal.

I’m still on my journey to becoming a millionaire in my mindset, but I’m closer than ever before. I know that if I keep taking action and never give up, I will achieve my goal. I no longer ask myself if, but when.

If you’re also dreaming of becoming a millionaire to travel the world and be free, I encourage you to start your journey today. Believe in yourself, take action, and never give up. You can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Good luck!


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🌏 Lover of travelling, ✍️ storytelling, 🍣 good food, 💰 finance topics, and 🎌 Japanese culture.